Sunday, November 2, 2008

How to Meditate

Meditation can be calming, rejuvenating and restorative. When practiced regularly, it can aid in reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and increasing personal awareness.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You’ll Need:
Music For Zen Meditation
Soothing Music

Step1. Choose a tranquil location - one free from distractions.
Step2. Decide whether you'd like to have meditation music in the background.
Step3. Select a comfortable chair or place to sit, and assume a sitting position with your spine relatively straight.
Step4. Close your eyes.
Step5. Breathe in, allowing your rib cage and belly to expand as you inhale.
Step6. Exhale slowly.
Step7. Concentrate on your breathing. Be aware of each breath and the feelings of deeper relaxation.
Step8. Allow thoughts and feelings to enter your mind. Acknowledge them, allow them to pass, and refocus on your breathing.
Step9. Open your eyes after you feel more relaxed and centered.

Tips & Warnings
There are many forms and variations of meditation,so if one particular form doesn't work for you, try another.Look into some books on meditation to discover which type is best for you.
Begin with 5 to 10 minutes of meditation each day and increase to 20 minutes or more twice each day.Practice meditation before eating.Recent studies have shown that meditation may decrease the risk of heart disease, possibly because the resulting stress relief may promote the body's self-repair system to thin the fatty buildup on artery walls.


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