Meditation is the key to peace and spirituality. It is the spiritual ladder that reaches from the earth to the heavens, from error to Truth, from pain and then to peace.
Meditation is the focus of thought, upon an idea or theme, with the objective of thoroughly understanding it. What ever you constantly meditate upon you will fully come to understand and will grow more and more into its likeness. It will be incorporated into your very being. So if you constantly dwell on what is selfish and degrading, you will ultimately become selfish and corrupt. If you constantly think upon that which is pure and unselfish you will definitely become pure and unselfish.
What is it that you most focus upon? What is it that you most frequently and intensely think of? When you are home and alone and quiet, your soul naturally turns and contemplates. What is it that you think about? Are you in a place of pain or peace? Are you growing in the likeliness of the Divine?
Because we will literally become the embodiment of that quality which we most constantly think about let me strongly suggest that we meditate on the higher things and not the lower. Let’s train our minds so that every time we relax into thought - we will be lifted up. Let our thoughts be pure and unmixed with any selfishness so that our hearts become purified and drawn nearer to Truth, and not defiled and dragged more hopelessly into negativity.
Meditation, in the spiritual sense which is the type being discussed at this time is the secret of all growth within our spiritual lives and knowledge. It is difficult in this day and age to find quiet places and times. To find the silence we so desperately need so that we may connect spiritually with our God. It is imperative that our minds be trained on all that is good and pure so that when we are not able to focus our thoughts they subconsciously think on the right type of things. Meditation centered upon divine realities is the very essence and soul of prayer. It is the silent reaching of the soul toward the Eternal. The silent whisperings of our soul will bring about the positive changes and situations we desire.
If you have been praying for wisdom, for peace and for Truth, and it is still far away from your heart and life, consider this: You are praying for one thing while living out in your thoughts and actions, something else. Let’s try this little experiment. Every day for five minutes, find a quiet place and during this time focus only on good, happy, peaceful thoughts. Do this consistently for thirty days and see if it changes your life. I will bet, that the least possible difference we will see happening in our lives is a happy, healthier attitude. Also, we should notice that a physical change has taken place. We will be smiling more and the prayers we have been praying for wisdom, peace and truth will find their way deep into our hearts and soul. It’s amazing how quickly we can change our lives around with the right type of thinking!
The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart--this you will build your life by, this you will become.
Alane Brown, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Alane can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Time Freedom
Very good article - thanks for sharing it!
Great advice! I meditate daily and I agree with what you say.
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