Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Four-Step Plan to a Balanced Life

By: Paul J Meyer

Do you have a life plan, or a list of your goals and dreams? Setting priorities is key to having a balanced life. Without priorities, it is all too easy to find yourself off course, heading in a direction you hadn't planned or intended. Establishing priorities is the first step in turning your dreams into realities and leading a balanced life.

#1 - Set and Keep Your Priorities

Where you are going in life is determined by your priorities. The goals you set and the dreams you have are the result of your priorities. After all, what value are goals and dreams without priorities? Priorities are the guardrails that keep you on the road of life, especially when circumstances are difficult, people are icy, and opportunities are cloudy.

Priorities work to protect you, direct you, and inspire you. Priorities are to be set and then kept. What you choose to do, you will make time to do - so it is with priorities. When you know what your priorities are and stick to them, your day suddenly has enough time to do what is important to you. The obvious challenge is keeping these priorities balanced, which often requires juggling. Remember, not all priorities are equal.

The secret to priorities is in keeping them. For my personal priorities to become a reality, I have found that I must do the following:

1. Write down my priorities.

2. Decide and commit to keep them.

3. Post them in highly visible places as reminders.

4. Start with a small action that reinforces my priorities on a daily basis.

5. Create a visible checklist or tracking system.

I continually concentrate on the benefits of my priorities, and I review them regularly and honestly to see if I am still on target. Priorities are, in effect, habits. Although it may take some time for them to be established in your conscious and subconscious mind, action naturally follows.

#2 - Create a personal life mission statement.

To help ensure your priorities are the right ones, create a life mission statement. A life mission statement is quite similar to your priorities. Begin by writing out your priorities in descending order, then answer this question: "What do I want to accomplish in life by keeping my priorities?" What you write should be your overall goal for doing what you do.

A mission statement guides and directs you, preventing you from losing focus on what is most important in life and helping to maintain balance. Having an effective mission statement is helpful in many ways, including: (1) providing inspiration, focus, and consistency in your actions; (2) keeping you on track toward your goals; and (3) increasing your personal effectiveness and leadership.

#3 - Define your philosophy for living.

Having a reason for what you do is half the battle for getting something done. Without planning, goals and purposes get pushed aside by circumstances and schedules. My philosophy for living ties into my goal setting nature, but could just as easily apply to someone else's temperament.

Below is my five-point life philosophy.

1. I have a positive attitude.

2. I do not worry.

3. I experience peace and contentment.

4. I have strength and power to achieve.

5. I practice stewardship.

Consider this: what we accomplish in life is 12.5 percent education and skills, plus 87.5 percent attitude and the ability to communicate. The power of a positive attitude is unlimited. I have a positive attitude and was taught that the glass is half full, not half empty. In fact, I've expanded that concept further. I choose to see the glass full, even if it isn't, and I focus on making it overflow.

#4 - Discover goal setting.

Probably 75% of my personal success has come as a result of goal setting. Five questions I always ask myself in goal setting are:

1. Have I crystallized my thinking about it?

2. Do I have a plan and deadline for its attainment?

3. Do I have a burning desire to achieve it?

4. Do I have confidence in myself and in my ability to achieve the goal?

5. Do I have the determination to follow through with my goal?

When you can say "yes" to these five questions, then ask yourself, "Is it worth it to me?" If you are really ready to invest your time, money, and the effort required, then go for it!

Once you have set your priorities, created a personal life mission statement, defined your philosophy for living, and started goal setting, you will start seeing tangible results of your efforts. You will feel the satisfaction of living on purpose and seeing your dreams turn into reality. And you will be well on your way to a more balanced life!

Paul J. Meyer is a New York Times best-selling author, successful entrepreneur, and a millionaire many times over. His life-long passion is helping people develop their full potential in business and leadership through tried and true methods of achieving success. Visit www.pauljmeyer.com for more resources.

source: www.articlebiz.com

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