There are lots of ways to have fun. One of the creative ways to have fun is to learn to draw a cartoon. Drawing a cartoon requires a bit of creative bent of mind. But practice is also important as you can have fun by just trying to express your feelings on paper with a pen or pencil.
Cartoon is like visual jokes. If you are able to make funny faces or funny drawings they you are certainly able to make good cartoon as well. Lot of people learn how to draw cartoon and become professional cartoon artists, on the other hand many other just love to draw a funny cartoon to spread happiness and have fun. You can even entertain your family and friends with your art funny drawings.
Many people become professional cartoon artists after learning how to draw cartoon and draw cartoon for advertising agencies, animation movies, newspapers or websites.
Drawing a cartoon requires some basic instruments like pencil, drawing pen (can be Rotring pen) or fine drawing brush, eraser, scale and a drawing board.
When you are going to start drawing a cartoon, start practicing to draw an oval shape. It is the outer line of the face you are going to draw. To learn drawing cartoon you must start with practicing drawing faces. First try to make oval and round shapes well. When you start making these shapes, try to put a nose and two dots in place of eyes. Try to draw these shapes several times.
Draw the full shape, even if some of it will not be seen in the final drawing. Make sure to make the face funny. After all you have to make people laugh with your cartoon just done through jokes. After you have drawn the outer lines of a cartoon go and use a pen to ink the lines drawn by the pencil. Ink only the lines you want to keep in the drawing. Let the ink dry, then erase the extra pencil lines.
The last step in learning how to draw is adding color. You can use any coloring tool to put color in the cartoon. Feel free to use crayons, colored pencils or markers. If you’re feeling especially creative, you can even try watercolors or chalk. You can even use software like PhotoShop to color a cartoon on the computer.
Start by adding the main color, gently adding darker colors to areas that would be in shadows or less light (generally toward the bottom or underneath the shapes). This is called shading.
After shading is complete, add lighter colors where more light would be (usually on the top areas of the shapes, where sunlight would naturally hit them). This is called highlighting. Shading and highlighting help the drawing look more realistic.
Once you fill in all the colors and are pleased with your cartoon, you’re finished. Later you can practice to make full figures of men and women and then you can also start drawing people with backgrounds. Have funny time and best of luck!
K V Gautam writes for, a funny site for fun, and cartoon
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